Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Sick of it

I am sick of it.  Sick of your lies, sick of you judging me, and I am sick of having to deal with emotional issues because you don't like me.  You don't like what I said, you don't like the way I do things, you don't like me because I don't smile when you look at me.  You don't like the way I walk, you don't like the clothes I wear, you don't like the things I have, and you don't like the tone of my voice.  The way I wear my hair bothers you.  I am sick of it.

I will tell you what I will do and what I won't do. I won't change my personality just to please you.  I won't try to ruin your life and I won't let you ruin mine.  Maybe I don't have a nice fine wardrobe and live in a big fine house, and maybe, just maybe I don't have a source of income or no money in the bank.  Am I such a bad person because I don't have what you have.  I don't have unnecessary stress, I don't try to deal with emotional messes, and I don't judge people.

Maybe the real problem is something's wrong with you. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A short story

One day a little girl and a little boy was sitting on a curb without a care in the world. The little boy said to the little girl can I hold your hand. The little girl replied, "I don't know" the little boy said to the little girl you won't get in trouble if you just hold my hand. So, the little girl let the little boy hold her hand. The little boy asked the little girl to walk with him down the street still holding hands. The little girl replied, "I don't know" the little boy told the little you won't get in trouble for walking down the street holding my hand. So, the little girl got up from the curb and walked down the street holding hands with the little boy. A neighbor stopped the little boy and the little girl and asked what are you two doing walking down the street holding hands. They replied, "nothing" the neighbor told the little boy and the little girl they were too young to be alone walking down the street holding hands. The little boy held the little girls hand tighter and said let's go back to the curb. The little boy asked the little girl could he give her a hug. The little girl replied, "I don't know" the little boy told the little girl you won't get in trouble. So, the little girl let the little boy hug her really tight. The little girl asked the little boy, "why do you hug so tight" the little boy replied, "I like you, my mommy and daddy hugs becasue they like each other, you know what else, my daddy and mommy like to kiss." The little boy asked the little girl could he kiss her. The little girl replied, "I don't know" the little boy told the little girl you won't get in trouble. So, the little girl let the little boy kiss her on the lips sitting on the curb. The neighbor went to the little boys father and told that the little boy and the little girl was sitting on the curb holding hands and kissing. The little boy and the little girl both got in trouble for holding hands and kissing on the curb. The little boy could no longer play with the little girl. The little boy and the little girl were never allowed to be with each other ever again.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Nothing seems to work

Have you ever been in a situation where you feel your whole world came crashing down on you all at once and no matter how hard you try to deal with it nothing seems to work. No matter what you do nothing seems to improve. No matter who you talk to no one seems to understand what you are saying. Difficult times just seem to keep getting more difficult. You work on yourself trying to improve your lifestyle but it just seems to make more problems. You begin to stress about things that do not exist. Your wants, desires, and dreams seems too far to reach. Your goals are so scattered you cannot grasp one idea that will workout. You try to keep yourself busy so you do not have to think about your situation in life. You feel as if too much time is being wasted with no progress. You look for work but no one wants to hire you. You feel somethings wrong with you and you will never become a good candidate for jobs you are applying for. You try to stay humble and keep your temper in check but the frustations just keeps growing inside of you. You try to think positive about the situation but there are things that has happened that standing in your way. In your heart you know this world is a better world full of happy people. Somehow, these happy people seems to target you as a disappointment. Sometime it seems as if people are enjoying seeing you down and out with no where to turn. However, you still want to believe, you still want to have hope, you still want to understand how can you make this situation in life better. You have traveled to many distant lands, met so many different people, and somehow you wind up stuck in the same old rut. People are there for you and they want to help but they do not know what to do. You cannot tell them what can they do to help becasue you do not know. All you can do is try, try, and keep trying to improve this situation day after day, month after month, and year after year. It's been so long since you were truly happy with your situation. However, somehow you feel content, peaceful, and calm becasue you know that you have worked hard to become a better person, you know that all your hard work is going to pay off. You know that our Lord and savior Jesus Christ is there and will never let you down. Some situations just take longer to solve than others. Keep the faith, keep trying to make things happen, smile even when you're not happy. Let people know you are not going to give up. You cannot stop what's happened so you can go along for the ride and throw punches along the way. Do not let this situation get the better of you, remain focused on the issues because God can turn mountains into mole hills. Be proud of the things you have accomplished, be proud of who you are, stand strong, and be patient things will be brighter soon. Life is working it worth living so stand up for yourself and start living your life

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Philosophy of uncertainties

Sometimes things change and change for a reason and sometimes you don't have any control of the changes that happens but you know they must change for a reason. Accepting the changes in life paths is an optimistic approach to expecting both the good with the band and moving forward is difficult but must be done.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sometimes when I sleep

Sometimes when I sleep I believe my soul leaves my body and go to places that do not exist in this world. I see things of an un-existing nature maybe it’s super natural realms of life. Living breathing souls doing and saying things that I understand and participate amongst what ever is going on during that time, sometimes I believe my body and my heart is at war and are not communicating properly, so my soul goes away searching for information to keep a balance between living realities and fulfilling dreams. Through my soul I can see people, some are living and some have past on from this earth but if I can communicate with them, then they must be alive. When I awaken the memories of the adventures of the night fades away rapidly only leaving bits and pieces to remind me that my soul and I have been somewhere other than here. The words that are spoken to me can not be repeated nor remembered. I just know that when I wake I feel better about who I am, I feel that the destiny is still ahead of me and I have a long way to go, yet I feel liked I have traveled so far, endured some pain, and made accomplishments.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Emotional stability

The working world is most intriguing short and straight to the point. Not too many people knows what really happened during the Bush administration that caused this trail of business corruption and greed which ultimately lead to the filings of bankruptcy from some of our countries largest financial institutions. The stock markets reached it’s all time lows in many past years. Working people pride themselves on 401k plans looking for a day to relax in retirement only to find those monies depleted into the markets phase of high time recession. Millions of jobless people is causing one of the hugest deficits on our national growth to provide goods and services, unnecessary wars are starting to erupt across the globe. Outsourcing jobs to other countries has become a way of life in our U.S businesses (to gain profits). However, we can be thankful for our government’s diplomacy with other nations is now controlling inflation by use of the Federal Reserve System. The U.S has capstone technology thanks to Bill Gates World Wide Web and the U.S. remains the leader in import and export industries thanks to the free trade markets in our country. Our emotional stability in the workplace has become a do or dies situation. Are people “disgruntled” and “despondent”, “corporate morale in most places may be at an all-time low”. Would anyone care elaborate?