Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sometimes when I sleep

Sometimes when I sleep I believe my soul leaves my body and go to places that do not exist in this world. I see things of an un-existing nature maybe it’s super natural realms of life. Living breathing souls doing and saying things that I understand and participate amongst what ever is going on during that time, sometimes I believe my body and my heart is at war and are not communicating properly, so my soul goes away searching for information to keep a balance between living realities and fulfilling dreams. Through my soul I can see people, some are living and some have past on from this earth but if I can communicate with them, then they must be alive. When I awaken the memories of the adventures of the night fades away rapidly only leaving bits and pieces to remind me that my soul and I have been somewhere other than here. The words that are spoken to me can not be repeated nor remembered. I just know that when I wake I feel better about who I am, I feel that the destiny is still ahead of me and I have a long way to go, yet I feel liked I have traveled so far, endured some pain, and made accomplishments.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Emotional stability

The working world is most intriguing short and straight to the point. Not too many people knows what really happened during the Bush administration that caused this trail of business corruption and greed which ultimately lead to the filings of bankruptcy from some of our countries largest financial institutions. The stock markets reached it’s all time lows in many past years. Working people pride themselves on 401k plans looking for a day to relax in retirement only to find those monies depleted into the markets phase of high time recession. Millions of jobless people is causing one of the hugest deficits on our national growth to provide goods and services, unnecessary wars are starting to erupt across the globe. Outsourcing jobs to other countries has become a way of life in our U.S businesses (to gain profits). However, we can be thankful for our government’s diplomacy with other nations is now controlling inflation by use of the Federal Reserve System. The U.S has capstone technology thanks to Bill Gates World Wide Web and the U.S. remains the leader in import and export industries thanks to the free trade markets in our country. Our emotional stability in the workplace has become a do or dies situation. Are people “disgruntled” and “despondent”, “corporate morale in most places may be at an all-time low”. Would anyone care elaborate?